Three Breaths

Musings on code, management, and life

Redefining My Relationship With No

Posted at — Oct 30, 2019

No is an incredibly powerful word. No is a word that every engineer needs to learn to use, especially as they move into more senior roles

No will can keep your team working on the most important work.

No will can keep you from working insane hours.

No doesn’t have to be a negative word.

I love “no”. I had a manager once say “You can’t spell Denomy without no”1, and he meant that as a positive. By saying no to work that came in through side channels I was able to keep the team working on the things that we all agreed was the most important work. Saying no was my super-power.

But I got lazy with my use of no. Let me tell you a story, we can call it “Snowglobe-gate”.


Twas a day like any other, except it was in early winter, and while in a meeting where I was remote, I got a slack notice alerting me to a kerfuffle in one of my team channels. As soon as the meeting ended, I hopped over to the channel to see what was going on.

Someone from outside the team had made a request to add a visual element to a part of our app (it was an app from a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away) that would make it look like it was snowing, in celebration of the holiday season. The team was all over the place as to whether this was a good idea or a bad idea and how we could/should/would implement it. One person even commented thusly.

I don’t mind doing it, but I don’t know what I’m gonna tell Mike when other stuff doesn’t get done

As you can see, I’ve developed a bit of a reputation.

We had a lot of stuff we were already on the hook for, stuff that we had agreed was “the most important work to be doing”. Now something had come in through a side door and the team was off script. I don’t like working this way. I wanted to put out the fire and get the team back on to what we agreed on. I made a command decision and said we weren’t doing it, we had other things we had to get done,things that we had all agreed to. It would have been a fun, mirthful thing to do, but we had more important stuff to do.

I felt like I did the right thing. I was wrong.

Later that day, I followed up with the person originating the request, figuring a simple “Hey, I know that would have been a fun thing to do. Sorry we couldn’t fit it in, maybe next year (cause it literally was a seasonal thing)”. Their answer surprised me.

They explained that it wasn’t about fun. It was actually about trying to get customers to re-engage with a part of the app. Enabling/disabling the visual element would have brought them to places in the app that they may not have gone to a lot. There was a real business purpose to it.

I screwed up. Where did I screw up, you might ask?

I forgot to ask why.

What Did I Learn

Like I said earlier, I had gotten lazy. At first glance, this was a no-brainer, we didn’t have time for it, and it had no business value, IMO. Just saying no was a simple way to put out the fire and get the team moving in the right direction again.

There would have been nothing wrong with saying no, and no may have even been the right decision, but not in the absence of more info. Instead of just saying no, maybe I could have asked “can you tell me why you want to do that”, instead of just assuming I already knew.

I am trying really hard to be more curious and open to different ideas. That can often run contrary to what has been a pretty useful skill around keeping teams on track. But those two goals aren’t in opposition, it’s just gonna take a bit more work.

I’ll let you know how it goes.


1 - In addition to the person who said “you can’t spell Denomy without no”, years later someone else kindly pointed out that you also can’t spell it without “O my”. So I got that going for me, which is nice

I got that going for me, which is nice


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